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South Asian Council's favorite and most important commitments and projects

Citrus Fruits

Mock Shaadi &
Mock Mehndi

Every Spring, SAC throws a fake wedding celebrating a "mock couple" that is voted on by the Cornell student body. The 2 to 3 day celebration is full of life, traditions, and so much more.

Desis Deconstructed

Desis Deconstructed are events where we unpack the history of significant events, tragedies, and developments in the South Asian community. These events often focus on less commonly known (yet extremely influential) topics like the 1984 Genocide on the Sikh Community and New York Taxi Protests.


Chai & Chat

Chat & Chats are discussions about salient topics in the South Asian community. From colorism to cultural appropriation, these events combine education and discourse about relevant issues in our community and how to move forward.

Event Slides

Slides from our past Desis Deconstructed and Chai & Chats just in case you had to miss it.

South Asian Council

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